Sunday, August 21, 2011

Silent Hill: Book of Memories - WayForward, Do Your Thing!

Here we go again with the lunacy and faux outrage over something that should be celebrated by cooler heads as well as the core gamers out there who crave innovation. A developer with a proven track record and some incredible talent gets the green light to do an all-new game in a long-running successful franchise on a new system. Early footage of the game drops and a few too many rabid fanboys blaze up the internet with more hatred than a Tea Party gathering. Talk about NO respect. Personally, I love what's in the trailer above and if anything, WayForward Technologies has more than proven themselves to ALL gamers ever since Shantae back on the Game Boy Color. Getting a Silent Hill experience on the Vita is a no-brainer to me, and getting one that shakes up the familiar gameplay intrigues me more than enough to want to see it succeed just as well as any console version, old or new.

Hell, their Contra game on the DS is still one of the best side-scrolling action games on that system, but try telling that to people who can't properly spell their way through a rant-filled argument and only respond to reason with more bile. Memo to Konami and WayForward: Keep going, don't let the bastards wear you down and hell, make a game so damn fantastic that it shuts some of these skeptics up for good. These guys need to realize that opinions are fine and dandy, but when they're wrong, it's time to sit down, shut up and learn something. Even if it's only about something as trivial as a video game they haven't yet played but seem to know all about. WayForward, I got your back, grrrr...

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