Tuesday, March 27, 2012

BioShock Infinite Heavy Hitters # 4: That Siren You Hear Isn't An Ambulance. You'll Need One Afterward, Though.

I've been so busy working on a ton of stuff that I'd been running the other Heavy Hitters videos here, stupidly posting them without watching them completely first. They're really not scare the kids out of the room "Mature" stuff that will turn little Johnny into a psycho within seconds of viewing, but informative bits of info about some of the more annoyingly creative enemies you'll come across while playing BioShock Infinite. Oops. Nevertheless, "rules is rules" and 2K wants them tucked away safely, so here you go. I love the idea of a foe that revives deceased enemies to do her dirty work while being a huge pest herself, so I'm imagining the first encounter will be a memorable "kill it before it make the whole room of pain I just took out come back!" battle worth babbling about to friends without the game...

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