Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dishonored: The Tales from Dunwall (Episodes 1 - 3) - Graphic & Novel

And here you go - all three Tales From Dunwall installments to get you all set for Dishonored when it hits stores on October 9, 2012. This is one of the games I've been looking forward to because of its single player focus, fantastic art direction and overall fresh take on some familiar gameplay elements.


PS3, PC or Xbox 360, folks - definitely give this one a shot. Arkane Studios isn't yest a household name amongst gamers (unless they happen to have been around for Arx Fatalis and loved it as much as I did), but this is a game that will definitely be remembered (and copied) for years to come...

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Interactive Trailer: Decisions, Decisions....

Firaxis has pretty much silenced anyone doubting they could bring XCOM back as a solid tactical reboot, and this "Interactive" trailer is just a brief taste of what's in store for the hardcore RTS/RPG fan looking for a good reason to camp out in front of the PC for too many hours at a time. I'd actually LOVE to see this get onto the Vita at some point, as that console needs a much better class of strategy game than what's currently available for it. Army Corps of Hell? Yuck - give me this game and I'm a happy camper (as will be a LOT of other Vita owners.

Dead Space 3 Eudora Gameplay: Almost 17 Minutes of Pure Hell (In A Good Way, Silly!)

I'm absolutely NOT one of the whiny crowd crapping on Visceral's decision to add OPTIONAL co-op play to this sequel. I'm a fan of all the Dead Space games (yes, even Dead Space Extraction on the Wii and PS3, which did an excellent job at making an on-rails game really compelling, thrilling and scary). Hell, it will make me a lot less freaked out If I know I can have someone else to hind under the damn couch with when things get a wee bit too frightening. Anyway, this one's on track to be a big smash, provided the dev team can overcome the hurdle of dealing with that pissy part of the fan base that just doesn't like anything changing in their favorite games. Granted, if multiplayer is shoved in and makes for a bad time for all, then yes, you can indeed bash both SA and Visceral all you want - I'll be one of the first to wave the flag if they blow it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

TGS 2012: God of War: Ascension Trailer: Kratos Is A Badass In Any Language...


I actually got a chuckle from this trailer because the narrator sound like Linda Hunt, but speaking fluent Japanese. How do you find someone to do that voice work, i have to ask? I'd imagine SCE Japan had assorted actresses listen to Hunt's performances from the other God of War titles and try to emulate her scholarly tone. Or perhaps there just so happens to be one voice actress in Japan who just so happens to have that dark voice all nailed up? Stranger things have happened, folks... like multiplayer coming to a Gad of War game. Which, by the way, I hear is surprisingly great in a few areas. A I've said elsewhere, Sony's not going to let the PS3 die a crappy, quiet death with no games of note filling up store shelves as they push the console aside for a newer, more expensive upgrade.  2013 is going to be a key year for PS3 on a number of fronts, I say...

TGS 2012: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Trailer: A Few Too Many Cuts Above The Rest


Fan favorite developer Platinum Games has really gotten the hang of making anything they do quite the killer experience, but Revengeance looks to take them to new levels of action and excitement. With not a Snake in sight, this might be one of those games that convinces some of the Raiden haters out there that he's not just a throwaway joke character. I still remember laughing for too long at the grand joke played on us back when Metal Gear Solid 2 went from Snake's story to the Raiden show (to interesting results, to say the least!), but unlike a lot of die-hards, I gave Kojima a break because it was clear what the man was up to. In any event, I'm looking forward to diving into this plsu the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes when that one gets some sort of showing here in NYC. Hey, Konami... don't forget about me this time!

TGS 2012: Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 Trailer: Pow! Wow! (Ow!)


I really loved the first game, warts and all because it captured the tone a spirit of the film and anime perfectly. That familar Sengoku Musou gameplay slowed down deliberately, the loads of extra characters to unlock and the ridiculous replay value made this a great guilty pleasure worth going back to multiple times. The game obviously sold well enough to get this sequel made, so I say give it a try if you're looking for something really out of the ordinary in a beat-em-up. Of course, some critics won't "get" this game one bit, but fans of the show of manga should be all aboard this particular post-apocalyptic train, I say...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

No, I'm Not Dead - Just Otherwise Occupied...

That said, things will get back to more regular posting here shortly. I'm wrapping up a big project (non-gaming) and working on some reviews for the newer DAF blog, so that's been keeping me from adding as many videos and such. Also, I'm working on a few things for the new blog that will do a bit better at linking to this one, as I can definitely use more traffic here. As Google seems to think that all blogs with "mature" content aren't worth their time to promote, I'm more or less beating a dead horse until I get the other DAF a bit more fully functional. Plan A is definitely in motion, folks - stay tuned for future updates...