Nice stuff here in this too brief peek at the upcoming action/RPG from Atlus and developer Cyanide Studios. Granted, I'm sure some fans of the book would want a deeper RPG experience along the likes of an Elder Scrolls game or even something more mature like The Witcher series, but I'm liking what I see and have my fingers crossed that it turns out as a solid game experience.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Atlus Unveils Game of Thrones Trailer
Nice stuff here in this too brief peek at the upcoming action/RPG from Atlus and developer Cyanide Studios. Granted, I'm sure some fans of the book would want a deeper RPG experience along the likes of an Elder Scrolls game or even something more mature like The Witcher series, but I'm liking what I see and have my fingers crossed that it turns out as a solid game experience.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Prototype 2 Video Developer Diaries 4 & 5
Radical's upcoming sequel is one of those games that had to be played just to see all the amazing improvements from the original. Here's a look at the two more dev diaries for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC action game set to launch in April 2012. Remember, you get to kick the hell out of a helicopter (among other things) in this one (which is almost worth the price of the game alone, I say)...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Grand Theft Auto 10 Year Anniversary Edition Now On iOS,Android & Xperia Play!
Wow. I seriously can't believe that Rockstar was able to knock out all these enhanced ports of GTA III and get them all done so well. Take a gander at the iOS trailer above and if you have an iPad and five measly bucks, ABSOLUTELY buy this one (yes, even if you're not a gamer). It's a classic that redefined the open world genre and still holds up today as a stellar game experience in my book. Hell, I'd buy an iPad just to play this all over again if I had the money (and actually liked Apple's intrusive policies, grrrr)...
Monday, December 12, 2011
Update (Minor): For the Record!.
No, we're NOT dead! I've just been working a lot on the NEW blog, but I'll add some videos here shortly just so Google doesn't think this is completely inactive...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
GTA V Reveal Trailer. A Beautiful and Brilliant Teaser Of Things To Come...
It's here. Enjoy the awesomeness of it all. Spectacular can't even begin to describe how GTV 5 looks. That is all. Off to get some work done. Between this and Max Payne 3, 2012 is almost all Rockstar's. Granted, the actual release date hasn't been announced, but I'd bet real money we hear something "surprising" at E3 next year.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Trailer: MWOW3
Hyperbole-filled text aside, this does indeed look spectacular. Amusingly enough, I'm a LOT more intrigued about the single player campaign than the endless multiplayer modes and all the hype they generate. I really want to see how the story is told and what some of these shots in the trailer mean. Sure, it's probably not what 90% or more of the folks who plan to snap this up at launch are craving, but personally, I like a good STORY in my games. There's just no actual good reason for me to play games that require just running around and shooting people in the face for fun and points to spend on more stuff to run around and shoot people in the face faster. Sorry, kids... but for me, plot matters as much as gameplay, especially in a game where a large scale world war is the selling point.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Aliens: Colonial Marines Gameplay Footage
Sega has released a very cool E3 demo gameplay video from Gearbox Software's upcoming PS3/Xbox 360 and PC shooter. The game is certainly looking tight so far, combining scripted moments with plenty of combat and appropriately scary moments. Of course, there are plenty of fans of who are probably benchmarking those older PC Aliens games by Rebellion and tossing mighty suggestions to Sega and Gearbox to copy those classics exactly. I say let the developer do their thing so they can surprise those expecting them to simply template stuff just because a few too many diehards aren't willing to accept a new take on their favorite game. Yeah, yeah - that's why I don't make games, being stubborn and wanting to go my own way and all. But hey, I trust the guys at Gearbox completely. We'll see what happens and hope Sega drops into NYC so I can get some hands-on time...
Aliens: Colonial Marines,
Coming Soon,
Gearbox Software,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Sega of America,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Friday, September 23, 2011
House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut Hospital Level Trailer
That PlayStation Move will be getting a workout again as Sega brings this HD update of its Wii game to the PS3 this October. Expect some awesomely gory shooting action, plenty of "grindhouse" aesthetic and replay value galore like any good light gun game. I may have to get a second Move controller just to play this with double guns. Too bad this one isn't coming to Kinect, but then again, Xbox 360 owners have Rise of Nightmares, so I guess you could call it "even" in terms of horror-themed on-rails games, right? Of course, if Sega decides to do a Move-enabled version of RoN, that would be pretty cool as well...
The Lord of the Rings: War In The North "Power of Three" Trailer
Snowblind Studios' multiplayer-focused M-rated action/RPG hits stores on November 1, 2011 for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Here's a look at the latest trailer of what's looking to be a pretty brutal, thrilling trip back to Middle Earth. As a big fan of Snowblind's work, I'm hoping the game does well among LOTR fans as well as gamers into other RPGs such as Dark Souls and Skyrim. As this one ships between those two, I'm also hoping WBIE sees a few folks snap up their game as a gap-filler between those two gems.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Max Payne 3 "Pop Up" Trailer Reveals Hidden Depths...
Last week's trailer, now with important info straight from Rockstar about the game's characters, weapons gameplay and more. You know how much they love showing off what they can do, so enjoy the trailer again and groove on the neat info in this revisit.
2012 Is Going to Rock,
M-Rated Games,
Max Payne 3,
PC Games,
Rockstar Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Monday, September 19, 2011
TGS 2011: Lollipop Chainsaw US/Japanese Trailers
Yum! Two peeks at Grasshopper Manufacture's upcoming zombie slaying action game featuring a sexy cheerleader heroine. As this one's from the mind of Suda 51, it's definitely going to be out of the park nuts in a good (but crazy) way. I can't wait to get some hands-on time, so hopefully WBIE will see fit to show the game here in NYC soon...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
TGS 2011: Dark Souls Full Prologue Trailer
And here you go: the complete prologue to From Soft's upcoming action/RPG guaranteed to make grown men and women weep, throw controllers and hide under the couch simultaneously. I can't wait for October 7, that's for sure.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
TGS 2011: Ninja Gaiden 3 Trailer: Blood and Gore and Multiplayer Modes (?!), Oh, My...
Tecmo Koei is bringing Ryu Hayabusa back in a bigger and bloodier game this time out and of course, there's a nice split down the middle of the fan base. Granted, I'm not sure I'd like an online multiplayer mode in my Ninja Gaiden game, but it's in there. No disembowelment? No big deal for me, as the game isn't supposed to be a simulation at all. As long as it's not packing in a super-easy mode and isn't TOO much of a God of War swipe (granted, Kratos owes his very existence to games like the Ninja Gaiden trilogy), it should rock.
Max Payne 3 : First Official Trailer
March 2012, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Rockstar is bringing Remedy's rogue cop back as an older, even more more modern noir anti-hero in a decidedly different game. It's definitely going to be a wild ride for sure, especially since Max is clearly not the man he used to be. That makes this one even more intriguing to me on a number of levels. Now, it'll be the wait for some hands-on time with an in progress build to see what's what...
2012 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
M-Rated Games,
Max Payne 3,
PC Games,
Rockstar Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Gameplay Videos: 20+ Minutes Of Amazing
If you're still curious as to why Skyrim will be the game many people (including yours truly) will be buried in for quite some time, here are three videos that show off the game's awesomeness quite well. Bethsoft finally posted these E3 videos a few days back (and yes, the build was playable at PAX in Seattle), but as usual, I'm catching up a bit late. In a weird way, I'm almost scared of how huge the game will be, but I'm not a total dope, folks. This one's going to take a while to explore every nook and cranny, but that's what I do, so I can't wait...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Dark Souls Prologue Video (Part III)
Can you feel that chill in the air? That's a combination of fall coming and Dark Souls about to drop into your hot little hands this October. Of course, that cold spine and goose flesh you have will soon be poked full of trap holes and roasted to a crisp by a dragon as big as a house, but at least you'll go down fighting and perhaps take a few beasties with you in the process. Ah... life is good... until you lose it to an armored boar's very pointy tusks...
Rise of Nightmares Now Available (Get Ready To Beat Down Creepy Stuff, Kinect-Style!)
Looks as if the Kinect isn't all about dancing games, fake fuzzy petting zoo action, exercise simulations or jumping around and trying not to get a heart attack in a family-friendly smash hit*. Sega has shipped its creepy horror game to stores and while the reviews are mixed, it might do well enough among Kinect owners craving something a bit more gory than your average game in the growing library. Here are three trailers Sega has released over the past month or so to promote the game - enjoy!
*(Yeah, yeah, I know all about the Gunsmith feature in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Crytek's hack & slasher, Steel Battalion and a bunch of other 2012 titles. But none of these really count until the games actually ship...)
M-Rated Games,
Rise of Nightmares,
Sega of America,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Monday, September 5, 2011
God of War: Origins Looks AMAZING on the "Big" Screen
Between the gorgeous upscaling and the amazing use of 3D, both GOW games look like first-gen PS3 titles and REALLY solid ones at that. Even if you've played these on the PSP, this collection is well worth the money because it's so well produced and hell, you even get a great bunch of bonus content that seals the deal. If you're new to Kratos' uber-violent ways, this collection, plus God of War Collection PLUS God of War 3 should get you up to speed. It's too bad SCEA didn't see fit to include the cellphone game from a few years back, as it was pretty darn impressive back then in all its 2D goodness...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Dark Souls Prologue Video (Part II)
Lovely. Here's the second part from FromSoftware's soon to be Game of the Year contender. October 11 is rushing up like a gust of hot wind from hell so be prepared for many hours of struggling to survive, poring over a wiki for help and more whining than a busload of kids on the way to school after a lazy summer. This game is going to blow minds and bust controllers.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Twisted Metal Gets February 14, 2012 Release Date (Oh, Say Hello To Dollface!)
Excellent. Dropping TM in stores on this date will no doubt tick off some guys and gals expecting all lovey-dovey stuff for 25 hours straight, but what says "I Love You" more than some side by side car combat with lots of red stuff gushing all over. Awwwwww! Smooch! Well, that's what's going on in MY house, as I'll be playing single player alone before testing the waters (or getting shot the hell up) in multiplayer. Thank you Eat Sleep Play!
2012 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Eat Sleep Play,
M-Rated Games,
Twisted Metal,
Video Game Trailers
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Dark Souls "Bartholemew" Trailer Rocks (Well, The Music Does - The Game is Still Brutal)
I'll admit, this trailer made me laugh because of the music. Don't get me wrong - it's a great track... but anyone who's played Demon's Souls knows that the intensely dramatic (and frightening) main theme in that game set the tone for what was to come. This trailer made me think more of a music video from back in the days when MTV actually played them. That said, it certainly doesn't lessen the impact of what's looking to be one of the hardest games to date this console cycle. The video below is the fantastically creepy Prologue which sets up the action even better - take a look and judge for yourself.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Gamescom 2011: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (MGS3 Walkthrough)
Excellent gameplay footage from HD version of MGS3: Snake Eater, headed to the PS3 and Xbox 360 (!) with Metal Gear Solid 2 and MGS Peace Walker (plus a few bonuses). While you're wrapping your head around ANOTHER PS2 to Xbox 360 port, some other folks are missing the point of these collections entirely. They're NOT supposed to be total HD "remakes" at all, but they do give gamers the opportunity to pick up a few older games that have been remastered to run in a gorgeous higher resolution (which looks far better than the older PS3 upscaling effect). Xbox 360 owners who aren't big Sony fans finally get to play games they've missed out on (while perhaps convincing them that they need a PS3 for MGS 4 or some other exclusives worth buying). I predict that this set will be a huge smash on both consoles (duh), as Sold Snake seems to be irresistible no matter which platform he appears on. I'm a tad ticked off that Japanese gamers get Metal Gear Solid on their collections, but I won't miss it much (as I still own a copy of MGS: Twin Snakes for the GameCube, the best-looking version of that classic) .
Gamescom 2011: Silent Hill HD Collection Trailer
More overblown "fan" bile is hitting Konami about this Silent Hill set, but I think I have a simple solution for those bitching non-stop over a few things. If you don't want to buy the collection because it's missing SH4: The Room and there are re-recorded voices (thanks to some sort of money dispute), just go play the older games on the PS2. If you own an Xbox 360 and have never played Silent Hill 2 or 3 because you've never owned a PS2 (I'm sure there are a few out there), you won't care one bit, right? I'll probably pick this up just to play the games on the 360 or PS3 in HD, but I still have all the older games in the series to go back to if I'm disappointed (which I don;t think i will be)...
Silent Hill: Book of Memories - WayForward, Do Your Thing!
Here we go again with the lunacy and faux outrage over something that should be celebrated by cooler heads as well as the core gamers out there who crave innovation. A developer with a proven track record and some incredible talent gets the green light to do an all-new game in a long-running successful franchise on a new system. Early footage of the game drops and a few too many rabid fanboys blaze up the internet with more hatred than a Tea Party gathering. Talk about NO respect. Personally, I love what's in the trailer above and if anything, WayForward Technologies has more than proven themselves to ALL gamers ever since Shantae back on the Game Boy Color. Getting a Silent Hill experience on the Vita is a no-brainer to me, and getting one that shakes up the familiar gameplay intrigues me more than enough to want to see it succeed just as well as any console version, old or new.
Hell, their Contra game on the DS is still one of the best side-scrolling action games on that system, but try telling that to people who can't properly spell their way through a rant-filled argument and only respond to reason with more bile. Memo to Konami and WayForward: Keep going, don't let the bastards wear you down and hell, make a game so damn fantastic that it shuts some of these skeptics up for good. These guys need to realize that opinions are fine and dandy, but when they're wrong, it's time to sit down, shut up and learn something. Even if it's only about something as trivial as a video game they haven't yet played but seem to know all about. WayForward, I got your back, grrrr...
Gamescom 2011: Silent Hill Downpour Trailer (Yes, Prison Is Scary, Too)
Nicely creepy preview of the new SH game above plus a video interview below with one of the key team members working on the game. Konami is rolling out a few cool Silent Hill projects for this year and next, but as usual some fans aren't happy with some of the decisions made. To those folks, I say play the old games if you have them and live with those memories and let those of us who want to try the new games have our say once the new games are completed. I have all of the originals as well, but I'm still intrigued by the upcoming HD collection and Book of Memories just to see the two titles buffed up to a nice HD shine (fog and all) and a different take on the "anthology" style of horror game the series has created.
Gamescom 2011,
M-Rated Games,
Silent Hill Downpour,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Gamescom 2011: Dark Souls Press and Show Floor Gameplay Videos
Two fantastic looks at FromSoftware's hardcore action RPG just because I love the game so much. It's going to be hard as hard gets and many newbies will go through a few controllers or give up completely because the game won't stop trying to kill their characters in as many ways as possible. Still, I predict this one will be Namco Bandai's big hit for 2011 as well as From's biggest selling game for the PS3 and Xbox 360. I'm already mapping out October so I can TRY to finish the game at least once before Skyrim comes out. I have the feeling I'll end up playing DS for longer than I expected, though...
Friday, August 19, 2011
Gamescom 2011: Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Trailers
Yes, this new DLC pack has zombies galore, yes, you end up on the Moon at some point and YES, it'll sell like hotcakes just like the other content has. However, I STILL want Treyarch and Activision to slap ALL the Zombie DLC onto a disc and release it as well as whip up an entire game based on the Call of The Dead content. It's practically an instant hit given the massive fan base the franchise has and hell, zombies are still a hot property in games, so what's the downside here?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gamescom 2011: Borderlands 2 Teaser Trailer: Gearbox Tops Itself Big Time
2K Games and Gearbox are rolling out the big guns (and many more millions of them this time) in this eagerly awaited sequel to their superb smash hit. here's a peek at a teaser trailer. More to come, as screens will roll out on Wednesday - I'll run those on the regular blog once I get them. If this sequel is half as good as the original, I don't expect to be coming up for air for a good long while...
2K Games,
Borderlands 2,
Coming Soon,
Gamescom 2011,
Gearbox Software,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Friday, June 3, 2011
XCOM E3 Trailer: 2K Australia Needs A Little More Respect!
There's a LOT of hate for this game and that's too bad. I'm a longtime huge fan of the PC original (and some of the sequels and clones such as the UFO Afterlight series), but I'm also a bigger fan of developers that take chances with well-known series that haven't had new entries created in quite a while. So, props to 2K Australia for tackling this and fingers crossed that it's not only NOT another by the numbers FPS experience, but a game that defies the more vocal criticism and becomes a modern classic in the vein of the Half-Life series. Remember, some gamers were pissing in that pond until they actually played it...
2K Australia,
2K Games,
Coming Soon,
E3 2011,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Saturday, April 30, 2011
COD: Black Ops Escalation, Call Of The Dead Trailers
Call me Crazy (Of Duty), but I think Activision SHOULD have done Call Of The Dead as a FULL game structured as a series of three or four 1.5 to 2-hour long "movies", each telling a single, self-contained zombie story complete with cut scenes and plenty of film grain to emulate that 70's "grindhouse" style. Co-op and multiplayer modes plus a few "retro" themed arcade games would also have been pretty sweet additions, that's for sure...
Anyway, here are two trailers for the upcoming Xbox Live DLC (I guess PS3 will follow soon enough once those pesky PSN issues are dealt with). May 3, 2011 is the drop date and this looks to be a must-buy for Xbox Live users, zombie fans and COD fans worldwide...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever Trailer (Uncensored Version)
Come Get Some, indeed... The Man Himself is getting closer to his launch (take that as you wish). July 5th is the date (unless Gearbox is screwing around or more alien bastards zap Duke's ride on all those trucks and planes shipping him out. Go get some, I say...
Friday, April 8, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever "History of a Legend" Video (Part 1)
Hey Gearbox! Don't go showing ALL the special features from that big-ass collectors edition just yet. Here's a look the Man Himself as he's evolved from sprite-based macho man to 21st century macho man supreme. Remember, it's er.. July 5th (right, right?) now, so set aside time from the hot dogs, beer and high explosives for a beer-drinking hotdog who knows how to use high explosives.
2K Games,
Coming Soon,
Duke Nukem Forever,
Gearbox Software,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
SOCOM 4 Sharpshooter Walkthrough Video
Just in case you thought that new peripheral was a one game deal, here's a look at the Sharpshooter in action in Zipper Interactive's upcoming PS3 exclusive, set to storm into retail on April 19, 2011. Yeah, it's pretty slick, isn't it?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever "What Would Duke Do" Trailers
It's been a while, huh? Anyway, life stinks sometimes and then you play catch up. Here are two wickedly cool and funny Duke Nukem Forever movies to ogle while you wait with bated breath for the game to ship out on its *new* release date. Thanks, Gearbox for the extra suspense!
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Duke Nukem Forever,
Gearbox Software,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bulletstorm "Whip, Kick, BOOM" Trailer
Yeah, that about sums it up alright. People Can Fly had me at Painkiller and Epic? hell, who doesn't love Cliffy B. and his shiny toys of joy? The combo is a great one-two punch for FPS fans in need of a shot of color and humor in a way too serious genre. Hope the game does spectacularly well (and folks like YOU buy it)!
Coming Soon,
EA Games,
Epic Games,
M-Rated Games,
People Can Fly,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Dead Space 2 "Questions With Steve" Episode 6
More Q's with Steve Papoutsis, this time about the original DS and the connections between it and Part two. Sit Back, relax and enjoy this six + minutes of back and forth...
Friday, February 18, 2011
Bizarre Creations Farewell Video
It's a damn shame Bizarre is gone for good. One of the key studios of the last 15 years shuts down due to a business decision as if it's a TV show that got bad ratings. Anyway, ths guys I've met at the studio as a few press events were some of the nicest folks and ALWAYS proud of their work. Best of luck to you all in finding new work out there...
thanks to YouTube user XG247 for posting this!
Bizarre Creations,
Video Game Trailers
Dead Island Trailer: Brilliantly Scary
Screens and art coming this weekend...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Dead Island,
Deep Silver,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Moms vs. Dead Space 2 Multiplayer... Guess Who Wins?
Ah, EA... starting trouble again. Funny as hell video, though. Just keep Fox News away from this footage or else they'll all keel over at the "shocking"-ness of ot all (and FAIL yet again at their attempts to demonize gaming).
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Dead Space 2,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Visceral Games,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Knights Contract US Trailer
And here you go - Namco Bandai's US site just got around to posting this final US trailer for Game Republic's stylized PS3/Xbox 360 action game (with its creepy-looking shape-changing witch bosses). Executioner Heinrich & formerly slain witch Gretchen are on the case as they plow through packs of ugly enemies while on their mission of vengeance.
Coming Soon,
Game Republic,
Knights Contract,
M-Rated Games,
Namco Bandai,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Friday, February 11, 2011
Homefront " Resistance" Trailer
Yet another excellent trailer for Kaos Studios' upcoming FPS _ I dropped in the "Occupation" trailer below the jump, by the way. As I noted before, I HOPE people get into the story first and just don't buy the game for the multilayer modes, as a LOT of work went into creating the plot and game world in this one. THQ has a big hit on their hands, I predict...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Kaos Studios,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Knights Contract Gameplay Footage Video Trio
Game Republic's soon to be released PS3/360 action game just might be a little sleeper for fans of fast-paced action games with a little AI assistance on the side. Take a look at these three UK videos and perhaps think about making that pre-order?
Coming Soon,
Game Republic,
Knights Contract,
M-Rated Games,
Namco Bandai,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Anarchy Reigns Gameplay Trailer
PlatinumGames' upcoming brawler in action - as lovely and brutal as expected and then some. I really STILL want that single player offline and versus modes, folks. It'll make for a better game for all, trust me(nag, nag, nag)...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Dragon Age 2 "Champions" Trailer
Now, where would we all be without BioWare's games to shake things up in the RPG scene? DA2 is going to be another spectacular epic experience that's even better than the original. Hope you're all setting aside some quality time for this one, as it's going to be a while before you're coming up for air...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Dragon Age II,
Electronic Arts,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Knights Contract Behind the Scenes Trailer
Game Republic's creepy, stylized action game ships shortly, so here's a peek at a "making of" trailer that packs in some nice footage as well as a bit of interview time. I'm hoping the game does well and plays as solid as it looks. New artwork is going up on the regular DAF blog - wait until you see the character art and renders that were added...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Catherine Poster: Naughty and Creepy... Leaning More Toward The Latter

Poor Vincent... He's got a LOT on his mind, I'd say. Between the haunting blond girl and the weird dreams he's having (or are they dreams at all?), things aren't as they should be for an otherwise normal guy not looking for love. Gorgeous poster art from Atlus' (currently) Japan-only PS3/Xbox 360 adventure/puzzle/horror hybrid. Hope this one comes out here, as the industry NEEDS more quirky originality like this one from the team behind the popular Shin Megami Tensei series. A small taste of gameplay footage is below the jump - bet it's not what you're expecting...
Catherine's Midnight Venus Trailer Shows 'Atlus Does HD' Pretty Damn Well...
Thanks to DualShockers TV for this video (I'm not lazy, I'm just too BUSY)
Lock up the kiddies and pray this one comes out stateside INTACT with all its naughty bits hanging out for the world to see. Normally, I'd say this would be highly unlikely in the crazy climate we live in where games are demonized up and down the pike for all sorts of evils. Then again, Kenji Eno's twisted as hell D2 was unleashed on Dreamcast owners and more recently, Deadly Premonition pushed a few envelopes in different directions of weirdness. YES, kids... it'll get an M rating for sure if it DOES come out here, but hell, it's TIME we see a game that intentionally gets under our skins for a few different reasons. Naturally, other than the creepy guys who buy yellow label Saturn games and happen to have unsavory hentai fixations and huge anime porn collections, Catherine will also be a game that draws in the curious Atlus fan (of age, of course) as well as those genre-deprived types who want to see an adult game (made, yes, by adults FOR adults) such as this change the landscape somewhat.
HOPEFULLY, the true creeps out there won't get their nuts in knots and go overboard whining in public that it's NOT a pure pornographic game at all (while they gently caress their copies of Ar tonelico 3 and Hyperdimension Neptunia with sweaty fingers, ewww...). Meanwhile, I'd love to see the game get respectable reviews from folks that GET it, not griefers "expecting" something the dev team wasn't even thinking of.
Anyway, Atlus - make us all happy and localize this one as best as can be.
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Bulletstorm "Skillisode 4" + "Duty Calls" Parody Videos
A double funny for you, courtesy of Epic Games and People Can Fly. Some find the humor in the second clip unkind to a certain big game company, but hey - work in this industry long enough and you're entitled to poke a few people in assorted body parts once in a while. To the haters - lighten up. Bulletstorm is going to rock in all sorts of cool ways. Now go play the demo, please...
Coming Soon,
Epic Games,
M-Rated Games,
People Can Fly,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dead Space 2 "Questions With Steve" Episode 5 (+ BONUS!)
Once again, Steve Papoutsis sits for a spell to speak about the horrors unleashed onto gamers in Dead Space 2 while also dropping news about some cool DLC. Nice and double nice...
Speaking of Double Nice - "Questions With Steve 3" has been FOUND and is below the jump.
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Dead Space 2,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Visceral Games,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Crysis 2 "Be Strong" Trailer
I really wish Crytek would make a role-playing game with their mighty game engine. As much as I'm going gaga over these Crysis 2 movies and screens I'm seeing, i can only imagine what sort of supremely rich fantasy worlds the team can cook up. Ah well... we'll just have to wait and see I guess. Hell, it might be a while, as the FPS as a genre isn't even close to dead yet...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Crysis 2,
Electronic Arts,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers
Yakuza 4 "Hostess Club" Trailer
Yes, they're back. A little downtime in downtown Tokyo from all the ultra-violence. Relax with an ice cold Suntory beer and some conversation with the lovely ladies of Sega's upcoming PS3 exclusive Yakuza 4. Or something like that. Just watch the trailer - I'll leave the catchy copy to someone else!
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
M-Rated Games,
Sega of America,
Video Game Trailers,
Yakuza 4
Resistance 3 Haven Town Defense Gamplay Trailer
Initially presented at the EU PlayStation Experience, this amazing trailer shows off phenomenal visuals, bursts of violence and lots of attention to detail Insomniac is well known for. Again, if 2011 isn't the year the PS3 soars over the competition, I'll eat my hat. Well, once I coat it with milk chocolate and add a few crushed hazelnuts for good measure, that is...
Dead Space 2 Developer Diaries
Here's a look at two dev diaries from Visceral's sci-fi/horror hit featuring nearly everything you wanted to know about DS2 that shouldn't scare you off from playing this spectacularly scary game. Of course, playing it and not dropping dead from fright or simply straining your neck from continuously looking behind you to check for Necromorphs popping up from behind the couch? Well, that's all on you...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Dead Space 2,
Electronic Arts,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Visceral Games,
Xbox 360
Anarchy Reigns Character Profile: Zero
Ho-kay... Well, so much for my Iron Phoenix jokes about this one. Looks as if PlatinumGames is going to blow a few folks away with their upcoming multiplayer-focused brawler. I'm STILL holding out for a story mode geared to single player action, as hell, I actually prefer to practice my moves against opponents that won't curse me out for having Zero skills (ha ha).
Anarchy Reigns,
Video Game Trailers
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Killzone 3 PlayStation Home Trailer
Pretty slick mix of live action and gameplay footage here - the game is only a few weeks away and looks to be a huge winner for Sony and it's multi-tiered strategy combining HD, 3D, and PlayStation Move support all in one major game release. I'm hoping we see a remake of the first game on either the PS3 or NGP at some point (but I guess E3 will reveal more on that, huh?).
Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Briefing
Lucky Xbox 360 owners are blasting through this MP demo already, so if you happen to be in a PS3-only household, here's what you're missing. Fear not, the game is coming to BOTH consoles and the PS3 version is supposed to have 3D support (which might explain why there's not a demo just yet).
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Crysis 2,
Electronic Arts,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
SOCOM 4 "Not For Self" MP Trailer
Zipper Interactive's latest in the long-running squad-based FPS franchise is looking amazing in this multiplayer-centric trailer. The big year for the PS3 rolls onward, crunching nearly all in its path, it seems...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Homefront "Emergency Broadcast" Trailer
Kaos Studios' innovative FPS is looking like it'll be a deeper shooter than many will expect, that's for sure. The attention to detail in these trailers is outstanding and I'm hoping the story is memorable enough that people actually enjoy it and don't just jump online to run around shooting each other up first.
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Kaos Studios,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike Trailer
I'm gathering this one's a 360 exclusive for a few different reasons, but anyway, cool trailer, huh? This DLC zips out on February 1, so get ready for more action... unless you're a PS3-only owner. I'd gather we'll see this content in some sort of GOTY package down the road for Sony's console.
Yakuza 4 "Battle" Trailer
Check out the tough guys doing their thing on the streets in this latest Yakuza 4 trailer. Somehow, I'm going to have find a way to shut time down so I can actually PLAY all these blasted games coming out this year... this is getting RIDICULOUS.
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
M-Rated Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Yakuza 4
Friday, January 28, 2011
Bulletstorm Story/Characters + Weapons/Game Modes + "Last Call" Trailers
A quick peek of what to expect from Epic and People Can Fly's upcoming shooter that's going to blow the doors off your doors thanks to tons of stuff to blast, amazing visuals and a killer sense of humor (not to mention style to spare) - enjoy!
RAGE 2011 Website/ Brink "A Choir of Guns" Trailers
Not counting any iOS releases or other surprises, Bethesda is "only" releasing a mere four major titles this year, but man, what a lineup. RAGE, Hunted: the Demon's Forge, Brink and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I absolutely want all four of these and it's a darn good thing they all aren't landing in stores at the same time. As it is, Skyrim will kill my free time until the cows evolve into a new life form! Anyway, here's an eye-searing RAGE Trailer plus the latest Brink trailer for you to ogle.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga Trailer
Forget about the bugginess of the original version of Divinity II, as this upgrade/expansion deal should have all the fixes while adding a ton of content that should make this a must-play for core RPG'ers out there. I'm on board as a fan of the Divinity series, that's for sure...
L.A. Noire Trailer # 2: Even Better Than The First (Plus Tax)
It just keeps getting better, as Team Bondi's crime drama is shaping up to be a technical achievement that's also a potential Game of the Year candidate as well as a damn good story. We'll see come May 17, 2011 on the PS3 and Xbox 360. YES, it's ALL in-game footage, folks...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Dead Space 2 "Questions With Steve" Episodes 1 - 4 (Minus 1 = 3)
Here's look at three of the four episodes featuring Dead Space 2's Executive Producer, Steve Papoutsis answering a bunch of Q's from the fans on the game's Facebook page. The other two videos are below the jump (of course) - somehow, Episode 3 has vanished, but I'm on the case (unless someone at EA mis-numbered these videos!)...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Dead Space 2,
EA Games,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
PlayStation Move,
Visceral Games,
Xbox 360
Dead Space 2/Dragon Age 2 "Sir Issac" Armor Bonus Trailer
Awesome way of getting interest in two entirely different EA titles, as BioWare and Visceral have teamed up to add this very cool Dead Space 2-themed armor unlock for Dragon Age 2. I'd already planned to snap up both, but this extra incentive should add a little more zing to Dragon Age's list of improvements. Now, if a few Necromorphs pop up in that game, that might be a little much, but it won't keep me from what looks like another 100-plus hours in yet another stellar BioWare RPG.
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Coming Soon,
Dead Space 2,
Dragon Age II,
EA Games,
M-Rated Games,
Visceral Games,
Xbox 360
Crysis 2 Multiplayer Trailer Announcement
So far, it's 360 only for this demo that hits Xbox Live on January 25, but I'm hoping we see this on the PS3 as well (hell, the 3D single player mode demo from last year was quite something). Yeah, some of those PC die-hards are going nuts over "their" benchmark game series hitting the "lowly" consoles. But hell, Crytek ABSOLUTELY knows what they're doing with their tech and this is one of those games that demands to be played by a wide an audience as possible that can't afford to upgrade their PC's by spending a few hundred bucks on a new video card.
In English: stop bitching already and maybe PLAY the game before you condemn it.
Just a thought...
Duke Nukem Forever Trailer - The King is BACK (All Hail The King, Baby!)
Yes, he's back (and this time, for REAL). May 3rd for North America, May 6 everywhere
else. PS3, PC, Xbox 360. Gearbox and 2K deserve lots of love (and your gaming dollar) for this. I can't wait for another go-round after the hilarious demo build. Hail to the King, Baby!
2011 Is Going to Rock,
2K Games,
Coming Soon,
Duke Nukem Forever,
Gearbox Software,
M-Rated Games,
PC Games,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dead Space 2 Multiplayer Trailer Update
Yummy, chunky goodness from Dead Space 2's multiplayer, plus an earlier MP trailer below the jump just so you're even MORE tantalized. EA is on a roll here, and it's ONLY January...
Asura's Wrath Trailer (Is Pure Insanity As Well as Brillantly Awesome)
Of all the Capcom games coming out this year, it's Asura's Wrath I'm REALLY wanting to play the most. It looks insanely spectacular in a God Hand meets God of War Meets Dynasty Warriors way and if they can pull it off as fluidly as possible, I can see a mega-hit busting up sales in the near future...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
Asura's Wrath,
Coming Soon,
M-Rated Games,
Playstation 3,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Mass Effect 2 PS3 Launch Trailer
It's here and if you own a PS3, it's a MUST-buy game (one of many on the console this year). Working on getting a review copy so I can spend another 80+ hours immersed in this grand epic (this time with better visuals and a bunch of extras)...
2011 Is Going to Rock,
EA Games,
Electronic Arts,
M-Rated Games,
Mass Effect 2,
Playstation 3,
Video Game Trailers
Friday, January 14, 2011
Killzone 3: "Justice" Trailer
MORE awesomeness from Guerrilla Games - the clock is ticking away as the release date for this PS3 FPS gets closer and the game is looking more and more fantastic with each new reveal. I'll shut up now so you can watch this one a few times, as it's quite something...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Bulletstorm "Skillisode" Video #1
People Can Fly and Epic Games' hilariously awesome first-person shooter is headed your way soon, so here's a look at some of the 140 Skill Shots you can pull off. Yeah, this one's going to be a winner...
Coming Soon,
EA Games,
Electronic Arts,
Epic Games,
M-Rated Games,
People Can Fly,
Video Game Trailers,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Heavy Rain "Making Of" Video: Cutting Room Floor
I thought this PS3 game was stellar and pretty damn intense, but wow. The stuff Quantic Dream cut out is pretty amazing. Check it out, but don't get any ideas...
Heavy Rain,
M-Rated Games,
Playstation 3,
Quantic Dream,
Video Game Trailers
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